петък, 22 април 2022 г.

Културно наследство, свързано с ПП Витоша

Една от дейностите, заложена в проекта "Зелено образование в зелена среда" беше издирването на легенди, свързани с изучавания парк и създаване на нови легенди/истории. Учениците от ЧОУ Банкерче преведоха и илюстрираха Легенда за Витоша. А Дивна от 6-ти клас създаде нова легенда, илюстрирана от второкласника Бобо.


 Many years ago Vitosha and Lulin mountains had no names. That is why the people from the villages located in the foot of the two mountains used to call Vitosha “The big ridge” and Lulin “The long ridge”. In one of the villages lived a beautiful girl named Vita. She was the eldest daughter in the family and always helped with the breeding of the sheep. When leading out the flock to pasture she often climbed “The big ridge” for she loved contemplating the view from there. She could spot the river Iskar slowly sinking in the folds of the Balkan. When standing there she liked to sing.

Vitosha had a powerful but tender voice which could be heard across nine villages. And there on “The long ridge” a shepherd used to take out the sheep to graze. He loved Vita’s voice and liked to quietly play his rebec on the background of her singing. And when he could no longer hear her voice, Lulin exclaimed just to hear her voice “Vitooo!”. When responding to him their echoes bound together and what the villagers could hear was “Vitoshoo”. And that is how they fell in love without ever taking a glimpse into each other’s eyes. They longed for each other and wanted to meet so eagerly, but there was no one they could leave the flocks to. Years were passing and so was the time for getting married. Vita had always wanted to marry Lulin but he never had the courage to tell her parents. And the same was for him. He loved her just as much, but he couldn’t tell his parents what he truly wished for. He was afraid his mother would never approve of such a strong girl like Vita who only knew how to take care of sheep. At the same time there were lots of men from near and far who wanted to marry Vita, but she sent all of them away.

One day a mason asked her parents for her hand. They gladly agreed, since he was from a nice family and they arranged everything without asking Vita for her opinion. In the evening when Vita came back with the flock he mother said “Tomorrow the son of a good family will come and you two are going to get married. You will no longer make a laughingstock of our family”. Without saying a word Vita humbly went to her room. The next morning she was nowhere to be found. Everybody was searching and searching, but it was completely useless. Around noon they heard her song coming from “the big ridge” and the echo of the two lovers “Vitoshoo”. Upon hearing this Vita’s mother became wild with rage and cursed them both “May you get struck by a lighting and petrified right there where you are standing now! May you turn into black stones, black as the earth, black as my soul had turned for all the shame you have inflicted on me. And that Lulin, deceiver and liar, let him too turn into stone!

The clear sky suddenly turned grey. A thunder struck right where Lulin was standing and there at the top of “the big ridge” Vita fell turning into black stone. Ever since then people began calling “The long ridge” Lulin and “the big ridge” Vitosha and the peak, where Vita was petrified, Black peak.  


Once upon a time there was a girl named Vii. She lived in the mountain. She was tall, skinny, beautiful with blond hair and blue eyes. She was also very hardworking. She lived with her father. She tended his flock of sheep every day. One sunny day the girl got lost while walking in the wood. She called for help for hours and no one showed up. A handsome guy named Tosha was passing by. He heard a human voice. He went to see what was happening and saw a beautiful girl crying. “What's wrong?” he asked her. "I'm lost, and I have to look after my sick father," she said. "It's all right, I'll help you get home," the boy replied caringly. He lifted up the girl on his white horse and together they set off to find the way to her home. On the way they fell in love with each other and lived happily ever after. That is why today the mountain is called Vitosha. It symbolizes the endless love of Vii and Tosha. 


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